
2024-06-05 法律知识 1283 徐秋伟律师

The difference and usage between "检查" and "检察" in English are as follows:

- 检查 (jiǎnchá) means to examine or inspect something. It is used when you want to check the quality, condition, or accuracy of something. For example:

- 请检查一下你的作业是否有错误。(Please check your homework for any mistakes.)


- 我们需要检查这个设备是否正常工作。(We need to check if this device is working properly.)

- 检察 (jiǎnchá) refers to the investigation or examination conducted by a prosecutor or legal authority. It is used in the context of law enforcement or legal proceedings. For example:

- 检察机关正在调查这起案件。(The prosecutorial authorities are investigating this case.)

- 他因涉嫌犯罪被检察机关逮捕。(He was arrested by the prosecutorial authorities on suspicion of committing a crime.)
